Biyernes, Setyembre 14, 2012

How computers changed my life :)

              Computers are not new to us since almost everyday we use it for research, assignments, projects, games, music and the most popular is ofcourse for social networking. It has been a part of our lives and had been so beneficial to us ever since it was invented. It made our lives much easier, faster and convenient. Although computers have its downsides we still can’t deny its great contribution to mankind. But how did computers changed my life?

               Well, when I was in elementary, I’ve heard about these ‘computers’ but I never knew that there were more than just the simple programs stored on the desktop. I always thought that there was nothing fun with computers and it was uninteresting because I haven’t delved into its uses and I had little knowledge about it. Also at that time, kids were not into computers because our idea of fun was playing after school, running, playing hide and seek and all those other games. But when my bestfriend introduced the internet to me my life changed at that moment. Those negative thoughts on computers were replaced with wonderful discoveries and eagerness to just spend my whole time siting on a chair and facing the computer.

                One day, when I was at her house, she was using the computer and checking her friendster. I was intrigued on what this ‘friendster’ is because it was all new to me. She explained that through it, you can make friends from different places and can communicate with them as well. Because of that it made me want to have an account and try all those amazing things she told me, so she made me an account. She was the one who made up my first email address and password and up until now it is still the one I’m using for all my accounts on the internet. She also introduced me to sites wherein you can play different games, one of which is I was so amused that we spent that day just surfing the net. From that day on, I started loving computers and I became better on using it unlike before.

                Over the years, I discovered that the answers of my assignments can be researched on the internet, that I can print and design my projects on Microsoft word, listen to music and watch videos on Youtube, save my pictures and upload it to fdifferent social netwrorking sites, communicate with my friends and all those unimaginable things that I didn’t knew when I was a kid. Although the things that I mention may sound overwhelming, we still need to remember that there is more to life that just spending your time on the computer. You need to limit your use on it since it can also harm us and also to have time for our families, friends, and for ourselves.  Computers are the greatest invention in science and technology and it had been so useful over the years but we must not always depend everything on it. I admit that my life was completely changed because of computers but I am still in control and balancing it with my studies, time for family and ofcourse time for myself. :)